\documentclass[ % Babel language, also used to load translations english, % % If you need it, you can add a custom barcode at the center %globalid=SDAPS, % % And the following adds a per sheet barcode at the bottom left print_questionnaire_id, % % You can choose between twoside and oneside. twoside is the default, and % requires the document to be printed and scanned in duplex mode. %oneside, % % The following options make sense so that we can get a better feel for the % final look. pagemark, stamp]{sdaps} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % For demonstration purposes \usepackage{multicol} \author{Patrick Kimber} \title{English, Tuesday 29th October} \begin{document} % Everything you do should be done inside the questionnaire environment. % If you don't like the default text at the beginning of each questionnaire % you can remove it with the optional [noinfo] parameter for the environment \begin{questionnaire}[noinfo] % Use \addinfo to add metadata (which is printed on the report later on) \addinfo{Date}{10.03.2013} \vspace*{450px} % Set checkbox style to be circular \def\checkboxstyle{ellipse} % And a more compact way of doing it; similar to markgroup \begin{choicegroup}{} % We have to add the possible choices at the start. \groupaddchoice{Attained} \groupaddchoice{LS} \groupaddchoice{MS} \groupaddchoice{HS} % After that it is possible to add each question. \choiceline{I can write my name.} \choiceline{I can write simple words.} \choiceline{Most of my work can be read by an adult.} \choiceline{I can write a few YR words.} \choiceline{I use finger spaces between words.} \end{choicegroup} \begin{multicols}{2} \textbox*{3cm}{} \textbox*{3cm}{} \end{multicols} \end{questionnaire} \end{document}