Install ******* Windows ======= Preparation ----------- The final plan here is to install Apache by simply un-zipping an archive. We don't want the Windows installer to set-up services and registry entries. - Download ``apache_2.2.13-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8k.msi`` from - Install to a temporary folder e.g: :: C:\temp\delete\Apache2.2\ - Stop the Apache Windows Service (the installer will automatically have started it). - Create an archive of the *Apache2.2* folder. - Move the archive somewhere safe e.g: :: env\bin\apache-http-2.2\ - Un-install the Apache you just installed. Install ------- - Extract the archive you prepared earlier e.g: :: c:\tools\apache2.2 - We can use the following minimal configuration (thank you Simon B). Check the values for ``ServerRoot`` and ``DocumentRoot``: :: ServerRoot "C:/tools/apache2.2" DocumentRoot "C:/tools/apache2.2/htdocs" ServerName localhost Listen 80 DirectoryIndex index.html ErrorLog logs/default-error.log PidFile logs/ LoadModule dir_module modules/ LoadModule mime_module modules/ LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/ Options None AllowOverride None - To start the server, see the :doc:`command-line` - Browse to http://localhost/