mod_wsgi ******** Links ===== - Trac - Install, :doc:`../../trac/install` - `Installation of mod_wsgi on Windows`_. Install ======= Windows ------- - Download ``apache_2.0.61-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi`` from Note: We use Apache 2.0 for Trac because the python bindings have "*not seen much testing*": `Windows Apache 2.2.x`_ - Install Apache. I installed to: :: c:\tools\ Note: This install Apache to ``C:\tools\Apache2\``. - Test by browsing to http://localhost/ mod_wsgi (Linux) ---------------- :: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi mod_wsgi (Windows) ------------------ - Download ```` from I downloaded from this folder, (The latest revision for python 2.5 and Apache 2.0). - Copy ```` to the Apache ``modules`` folder. On my workstation: :: copy \download\apache\ \tools\Apache2\modules\ - Load the wsgi module. Edit the Apache configuration file, ``conf/httpd.conf`` and add: :: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/ If you want to, change the logging level: :: LogLevel info - Restart Apache. Check the ``logs/error.log`` file. It should contain some references to python and WSGI... Test ==== - Create a folder to contain your WSGI applications. I created: :: C:\repository\apache\python\wsgi\ - Create the python script ``my-wsgi-app.wsgi`` in this folder. Here is the script: :: def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' output = 'Hello World!' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [output] - Edit ``conf/httpd.conf`` and add one of the following: - For a single application: :: WSGIScriptAlias /myapp "C:/repository/apache/python/wsgi/my-wsgi-app.wsgi" Order allow,deny Allow from all The following URL should run the application: http://localhost/myapp - To run multiple applications from a folder: :: WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi/ "C:/repository/apache/python/wsgi/" Order allow,deny Allow from all Allows access to multiple application in a folder. In this example, the url http://localhost/wsgi/my-wsgi-app.wsgi will run our test application. .. _`Installation of mod_wsgi on Windows`: .. _`Windows Apache 2.2.x`: