Faceting ******** Links ===== - Faceting_ Configuration ============= In these samples we will be faceting on the ``category_exact`` field: - For faceting, we need to use a field from the model, but not allow SOLR to transform it. To achieve this, the ``build_solr_schema`` command will create a ``string`` field (rather than ``text``). To do this, set the ``indexed`` attribute to ``False``. Here is a sample field from the Haystack ``SearchIndex`` class: :: class SnapboardPostIndex(SearchIndex): text = CharField(model_attr='text', document=True) category_exact = CharField(indexed=False) def prepare_category_exact(self, obj): result = obj.thread.category.label return result.strip() - Probably best to use a ``prepare_`` method to generate the field content as using a text template can insert un-wanted new line characters. This is only an issue for SOLR fields of type ``string`` as we won't perform any transformations on the data. - When generating the SOLR ``schema.xml`` file using the ``build_solr_schema`` management command, check the ``indexed`` attribute to make sure it is set to ``true``. For more information see the *Faceting* section in the :doc:`issues` notes. Note: Don't forget to re-start the SOLR server and rebuild the index. - For faceted search, we need to create a separate ``urls.py`` file (perhaps in a ``search`` folder): :: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from haystack.forms import FacetedSearchForm from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet from haystack.views import FacetedSearchView sqs = SearchQuerySet().facet('category_exact') urlpatterns = patterns('haystack.views', url(r'^$', FacetedSearchView(form_class=FacetedSearchForm, searchqueryset=sqs), name='haystack_search'), ) Note: - The field name (``category_exact``) is set in the ``facet`` method. - Don't forget to include this ``urls.py`` file in the project ``urls.py`` e.g: :: urlpatterns = patterns('', # Example: (r'^search/', include('search.urls')), ) - This ``search.html`` template is a little complicated and needs some more work: :: {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} {% block content %}


{{ form.as_table }}
{% if query %}

By Category

{% if facets.fields.category_exact %}
{# Provide only the top 5 categories #} {% for category in facets.fields.category_exact|slice:":5" %}
{{ category.0 }} ({{ category.1 }})
{% endfor %} {% else %}

No category facets.

{% endif %}


{% for result in page.object_list %}

{{ result.object.id }} {{ result.model_name }} {% ifequal result.model_name 'post' %} {{ result.object.thread.category.label }} {{ result.object.text|truncatewords:80 }} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal result.model_name 'note' %} {{ result.object.title }} {{ result.object.body|truncatewords:80 }} {% endifequal %}

{% empty %}

No results found.

{% endfor %} {% else %} {# Show some example queries to run, maybe query syntax, something else? #}

No results...

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} Testing ======= To test the facets: :: $ python manage.py shell In [1]: from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet In [2]: sqs = SearchQuerySet().facet('category_exact'); sqs.facet_counts() Out[2]: {'dates': {}, 'fields': {u'category_exact': [(u'The Best Restaurants\n\n', 258), (u'Good Deals\n\n', 204), (u'Skiing in the Vermont Area\n\n', 192), (u'General Discussion\n\n', 171)]}, 'queries': {}} ...or to search for content at the same time: :: sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content='feature').facet('category_exact'); sqs.facet_counts() .. _Faceting: http://haystacksearch.org/docs/faceting.html