PikiWiki ******** Links ===== - Pikiwiki_ - `README, Install Instructions...`_ Install ======= - Install :doc:`install`... - Activate the ``pinax-env`` virtual environment. - Create a folder for the sample project. :: mkdir pinax-pikiwiki-demo-site cd pinax-pikiwiki-demo-site - Check-out the source code for the wiki: :: hg clone http://bitbucket.org/barttc/pinax-pikiwiki/ - Install the dependencies: :: pip install -U -r ./pinax-pikiwiki/pikiwiki/requirements.txt - Change into the ``pikiwiki`` demonstration project folder: :: cd pinax-pikiwiki/pikiwiki/ - Sync the database: :: python manage.py syncdb - Create a folder for your static root (don't know what this is yet): :: mkdir my-static-root - Update ``settings.py`` and set the location of ``STATIC_ROOT``: :: STATIC_ROOT = 'my-static-root' For more information see `settings.py`_ - Build the media (don't know what this is yet): :: python manage.py build_media -all .. _Pikiwiki: http://bitbucket.org/barttc/pinax-pikiwiki .. _`README, Install Instructions...`: http://bitbucket.org/barttc/pinax-pikiwiki/src/ .. _`settings.py`: http://bitbucket.org/smileychris/django-staticfiles/src/482ed085c5d9/staticfiles/settings.py