WikiApp ******* Links ===== - - http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/python/django/sample_wikiapp Dependencies ============ - Checkout *Diff, Match and Patch libraries for Plain Text*: :: cd ~/src svn checkout google-diff-match-patch - This is a nasty dependency: :: cd ~/src svn checkout django-atompub ...we need to copy and re-name the ```` file, so the WikiApp can import it: :: cd /path/to/my/project/folder/ mkdir ./src cp ~/src/django-atompub/atompub/ ./src/ touch src/ Install ======= - Check out the source code: :: cd ~/src/ bzr branch lp:django-wikiapp django-wikiapp - Set the ``PYTHONPATH`` to include the source code for the Wiki and the dependencies: :: PYTHONPATH=~/src/django-wikiapp:~/src/google-diff-match-patch/python:./src;export PYTHONPATH - Set-up the media server using Apache; :doc:`../static/media`. Note: Worth checking the ``MEDIA_URL`` if you have any problems. Sample ====== - Checkout the sample project above... - Install the markItUp editor: :doc:`../../javascript/jquery/plugin/markitup`. editor to your media server. - Install the *Basic Markdown set*: - Download the *Basic Markdown set* (````) from - Install to your media server: :: unzip ~/download/markitup/ Note: The file ``site_media/markdown/set.js`` in the sample project enables the markItUp! preview option. - Run as you would a normal Django project... - Browse to http://localhost:8000/wiki/ Note: - The sample includes a url configuration for using html markup. See ```` for details: - Also... install the TinyMCE editor to your media server: :doc:`../../javascript/tinymce/getting-started` - The source code in the sample project refers to other options (including the preview option for the markItUp! editor. You might want to install the following to use them: - Copy the files in the ``site_media`` folder to your media server. (the media should be available at the path, ``sample/sets/wiki/``).