Contributing to Django ********************** DjangoCon EU 2015 ================= Links: - - - - Getting Started =============== `Preparing for the next Django sprint`_ Contributing to Django ====================== Refer to the Django documentation on *Contributing to Django*. - Coding style - Unit tests Run tests against SQLite (unless you are changing database code, in which case you have to run it against all supported databases. Tests take about 5 minutes for SQLite in memory. If running on Windows, it takes forever... (don't know why). Two types of tests... proper regression tests and simple *how to* tests. Read the *Testing Django Apps* document. Releases ======== Basic plan is to say when the next release is going to be. The time will be split into three periods of time: - *I want a pony*... *there are no stupid ideas*. Then come up with three lists: - List some things we absolutely have to get done. - A list of stuff which we are not going to work on. - A list of stuff we would like to get in the release. - Implementation period. Get everything written and checked in. Large feature work to be done on branches. The problem with this is that no one tests code on branches. - Bug fixes, alpha, beta releases. .. _`Preparing for the next Django sprint`: