Cookies ******* Get === :: def my_view(request): if SHOP_COOKIE in request.COOKIES: cookie_value = request.COOKIES.get(SHOP_COOKIE) Set === :: from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect def my_view(request): # ... response = HttpResponseRedirect(url) # expire in one year: response.set_cookie(SHOP_COOKIE, 'cookie-value', max_age=365*24*60*60) return response Subdomain ========= I wanted a login to a domain to propogate to sub-domains... e.g. set-up a test site, ````, with sub-domains, ```` and ````: - ``apache2.conf`` :: ServerName ServerAlias WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web/sample_django_authentication/apache/django.wsgi ServerName WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web/sample_django_authentication/apache/django_us.wsgi - Using the same source code, but different ```` files e.g: :: # SITE_ID = 1 SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '' # SITE_ID = 2 SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '' - It took me ages to get this working, but the problem is all to do with the browser. To get the browser to accept the cross-domain cookie: - We need to convince the browser to accept the ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN``. This is a bit complicated - and is browser specific, but this article explains it nicely: `How to make sure the cookies don't burn your fingers?`_ ... but, to note, the browser will not accept a simple ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` name of ``.testbox`` (i.e. without the ``.com`` bit)... Also see Trac ticket `SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.localhost' cookie problem`_... in particular the second comment by *mtredinnick*. - I would guess that the URL also has to match the ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` name. So make sure the address in the browser e.g. matches the ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` name e.g. ````. I had to update ``apache2.conf`` and my ``/etc/hosts`` file, to make everything work correctly. .. _`How to make sure the cookies don't burn your fingers?`: .. _`SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.localhost' cookie problem`: