SQL Server ********** Install ======= pyodbc ------ - :doc:`../../python/database/sql-server` django-pyodbc ------------- - Use a Subversion client to checkout ``django-pyodbc``: :: cd \src svn checkout http://django-pyodbc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ django-pyodbc-read-only Note: If using Django 1.0.x then checkout this branch: :: http://django-pyodbc.googlecode.com/svn/branches/django-1.0.x - Add ``django-pyodbc`` to ``PYTHONPATH`` (elements separated with colons on unix or semicolons on windows): :: SET PYTHONPATH=C:\SRC\django-pyodbc-read-only\ - Validate the ``PYTHONPATH`` setting: :: c:\src>python >>> import sql_server.pyodbc >>> - If you are using ``mod_python`` (see :doc:`../deploy/deploy`), then the source folder will also need to be added to the Apache configuration file, ``conf/httpd.conf``: :: PythonPath "['S:/django', 'S:/src/django-pyodbc-read-only'] + sys.path" Configuration ============= - Update the database configuration in ``settings.py``: :: # e.g. of a remote connection. DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sql_server.pyodbc' DATABASE_ODBC_DRIVER = 'SQL Server' DATABASE_NAME = 'mydb' DATABASE_USER = 'myuser' DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'Python19' DATABASE_HOST = 'app1' DATABASE_PORT = '' :: # e.g. of a local connection. DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sql_server.pyodbc' DATABASE_ODBC_DRIVER = 'SQL Server' DATABASE_NAME = 'location_dev' DATABASE_USER = 'sa' DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'password' DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost' DATABASE_PORT = '1433' :: # e.g. of another local connection. DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sql_server.pyodbc' DATABASE_ODBC_DRIVER = 'SQL Server' DATABASE_NAME = 'mydb' DATABASE_USER = 'sa' DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'password' DATABASE_HOST = r'slinky\SQLEXPRESS' DATABASE_PORT = '' DATABASE_OPTIONS= { 'driver': 'SQL Native Client', 'MARS_Connection': True, } - Auto-generate your models (from the existing database structure): :: cd \django\project\folder\ python manage.py inspectdb > \temp\models.py - Synchronise your database (to create the administrator etc): :: cd \django\project\folder\ python manage.py syncdb