Apache with WSGI **************** Links ===== - :doc:`deploy` (continued)... `Jacob Kaplan-Moss - django-deployment-workshop`_ Note ==== These instructions are for debian... and are adapted from the presentation by Jacob Kaplan-Moss (above). Install ======= :: aptitude install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi Configuration ============= :: cd /etc/apache2/ rm -rf apache2.conf conf.d/ httpd.conf magic mods-* sites-* ports.conf ln -s /home/web/sample_django_debug_toolbar/apache/apache2.conf . Note: - On my debian system, the ``rm`` just leaves the ``envvars`` file. - See :doc:`deploy` and :doc:`../cookies` for details on sub-domains and setting up multiple sites using WSGI. Next... ======= - :doc:`deploy` (continued)... .. _`Jacob Kaplan-Moss - django-deployment-workshop`: http://github.com/jacobian/django-deployment-workshop/