nginx ***** Note: This page contains some old notes. Check out the following links first: - :doc:`../../python/apps/supervisor` - :doc:`../../python/apps/snippets/supervisor-uwsgi` - :doc:`../../python/wsgi/uwsgi/install` _______________________________________________________________________________ We need to put ``nginx`` in front of Apache to avoid the situation where Apache is waiting for a slow client (e.g. mobile phone) to accept data. ``nginx`` can very quickly accept the full response from Apache and allow Apache to get on with another task. Links ===== :doc:`deploy` (continued)... Install ======= :: apt-get install nginx Configuration ============= - Copy in the default configuration: :: cd /etc/nginx/ rm -rf conf.d/ fastcgi_params koi-* nginx.conf sites-* win-utf ln -s /home/web/sample_django_authentication/nginx/nginx.conf . Note: The ``rm`` command removes all files in the folder apart from ``mime.types``. - Update the server name in the ``nginx/nginx.conf`` file: :: upstream { location / { proxy_pass; - Update the Apache configuration so it listens only on the internal IP address: :: Listen NameVirtualHost - Update the Apache virtual host configuration (if relavant) e.g: :: ServerName ServerAlias WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web/sample_django_authentication/apache/django.wsgi ServerName WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web/sample_django_authentication/apache/django_us.wsgi - Update the IP addresses in the ``nginx/nginx.conf`` file e.g: :: upstream { server; } Note: Check out this `nginx.conf`_ file if you are setting up sub-domains. Admin Media =========== - Find the folder where your Django admin media is stored. On my server it was here: :: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/ - Update the ``nginx.conf`` file for the location of your media files e.g: :: # Serve media directly out of Nginx for performance location /media { alias /home/web/media; } - Create a symbolic link to your media folder: :: cd /home/web/ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/ . - Re-start nginx and check your admin media is available. You might like to double check the admin media path in your Django ```` file: :: ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/' Next... ======= doc:`deploy` (continued)... .. _`nginx.conf`: http://toybox/hg/env/config/nginx/nginx.conf.sub-domain