Diagnostics *********** Debug ===== - `DebugFooter middleware with Pygments sql syntax highlighting`_ - `Breakpoints in NetBeans`_: - :doc:`debug/toolbar` :: I have always found the built-in Python debugger pdb to be invaluable. Just put the following wherever you need a breakpoint; import pdb; pdb.set_trace() and the debugger will show in the console. Pretty Error Page ================= To view the state of your application using the Django error page, add the following into your view: :: Assert false .. _`DebugFooter middleware with Pygments sql syntax highlighting`: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/799/ .. _`Breakpoints in NetBeans`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/67a6753e4ad381b5?hl=en