Issues ****** AttributeError ============== SettingNotSet instance has no attribute 'args' ---------------------------------------------- Check the exception traceback; if you can see ``CacheNotRespondingError`` then this error is probably caused by errors reading from the cache. To solve the problem, start the ``memcached`` service. str object has no attribute resolve ----------------------------------- :: in resolve, line 218 'str' object has no attribute 'resolve' # Also (at a later date), the following error message: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'handler500' This blog entry was helpful, `Django: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'resolve'`_ ...but, the problem turned out to be with my ``ROOT_URLCONF`` where I had a list: :: ROOT_URLCONF = ['django_satchmo_site_shop.urls'] ...where it should have been a simple string i.e: :: ROOT_URLCONF = 'django_satchmo_site_shop.urls' Values instance has no attribute 'default_reference_context' ------------------------------------------------------------ `Problem with restructuredtext in markup module`_. After installing ``docutils`` (``pip install docutils``), had the following exception: :: Values instance has no attribute 'default_reference_context' To solve the problem, comment out: :: docutils.parsers.rst.roles.DEFAULT_INTERPRETED_ROLE = 'cmsreference' :: django/contrib/admindocs/ Error ===== Error: No module named ---------------------- I was running the following command from within a virtual environment: :: # django-admin shell --settings=settings_test Error: No module named messages Turns out I was using the ``django-admin`` from: :: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/bin/ ...when I should have been using ``django-admin`` from the virtual environment. To diagnose this, run the following: :: which django-admin which python find / -name To solve the problem, I ran the following (from within my virtual environment): :: python /path/to/my/virtual/env/bin/ shell --settings=settings_test ImproperlyConfigured ==================== When running tests, I had the following error: :: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: App with label item_request could not be found Turns out my ``PYTHONPATH`` setting didn't include the current folder. To solve the problem, add the current folder to the ``PYTHONPATH`` e.g: :: PYTHONPATH=.:../my_other_app; export PYTHONPATH add2virtualenv -------------- Note: If using ``add2virtualenv`` make sure to add the current folder **before** other folders i.e: edit ``virtualenv_path_extensions.pth`` and make sure the current folder is first in the list: :: add2virtualenv . cdsitepackages vim virtualenv_path_extensions.pth django-debug-toolbar -------------------- I also had the same error message after installing :doc:`./debug/toolbar`. To solve the issue, just remove the toolbar! runserver ========= Error: That port is already in use. ----------------------------------- Open up the process viewer (on Ubuntu, *System Monitor*), and kill the ``python`` processes. :: ps faux | grep runserver Slow ---- `django is very slow on my machine`_ ``runserver`` using ``localhost`` on Windows can be very slow. To solve this issue, remove the following line from your hosts file: :: # ::1 localhost On Vista, the file can be found here: :: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Note: I don't know what this line is for, so it could be bad to remove it. For more information see `Windows hosts file`_ Templates ========= Kept getting a ``TemplateDoesNotExist`` exception, when the exception reported ``File exists``: :: TemplateDoesNotExist at /wiki/edit/NewArticle/ wiki/edit-markitup.html Django tried loading these templates, in this order: Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source: /srv/django/mycompany/templates/wiki/edit-markitup.html (File exists) ... this was a file permissions issue. I changed the permissions as follows and the problem is solved: :: chown apache:apache templates/wiki/* chmod 664 templates/wiki/* Template Tags ============= The template tag couldn't be loaded... I checked the following: - The application was included in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in ````. - I could import the class using the shell: :: python shell > from django.templatetags import el_markdown To solve the problem, I had to set the correct permissions on the ``templatetags`` folder: :: chown apache:apache mywiki/templatetags chmod 775 mywiki/templatetags chmod g+s mywiki/templatetags .. _`Django: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'resolve'`: .. _`Problem with restructuredtext in markup module`: .. _`django is very slow on my machine`: .. _`Windows hosts file`: