Custom Template Tags ******************** .. highlight:: python Links ===== - `Custom template tags and filters`_ - Standards_ Sample ====== In the application folder, create a ``templatetags`` folder for the source code. Create a source file for the template code e.g. ```` (for the name of the source file, see Standards_). Simple ------ Here is some source code for a *very* simple template:: from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe def format_address(shop): return mark_safe('[%s]' % shop.address) register = template.Library() register.simple_tag(format_address) In the template (``html``) file, load the custom template tag e.g:: {% load cms_tags %} Call the template tag:: {% format_address shop %} HTML ---- :: @register.inclusion_tag('cms/_menu.html', takes_context=True) def cms_menu(context): return dict(, user=context.get('user', None), ) .. tip:: The ``takes_context`` and ``context`` parameters can be used to pass the template context into the tag. .. _`Custom template tags and filters`: .. _Standards: