Jenkins ******* Note: The following notes use the Django application name ``pk_common`` as an example. Links ===== - - `django-jenkins on github`_ - `A Python Love Story: Virtualenv and Hudson`_ Configuration ============= Application ----------- - Install ``django_jenkins``: :: pip install django-jenkins - In your project ````, add the following application: :: INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django_jenkins', - Tell ``django_jenkins`` which applications you want to test: :: # For Django, Jenkins run the tests for the following applications: PROJECT_APPS = ( 'pk_common', ) Jenkins ------- - Install the following plugins: - Jenkins Violations plugin - Jenkins Cobertura Plugin - Create a new Jenkins *Job*. Choose *Build a free-style software project*... - It is easiest to get Jenkins to run a shell script to run the tests. This script can be used to create a virtual environment (and anything else you want to do. See ``misc/`` for a sample script. - To configure the Jenkins project: - Set the *Project name*. If using the ``misc/`` script, then the *Project name* should be the name of the application folder. - Tick *Poll SCM* and use the following *Schedule*: :: */5 * * * * - *Add build step*, *Execute shell*, setting the *Execute shell*, *Command* to: :: bash -ex ./ ${JOB_NAME} - Tick *Publish Cobertura Coverage Report* and set the *Cobertura xml report pattern* to: :: pk_common/reports/coverage.xml - Tick *Publish JUnit test result report* and set the *Test report XMLs* to: :: pk_common/reports/TEST-*.xml - Tick *Report Violations* and set the *XML filename pattern* for *pylint* to: :: pk_common/reports/ Issues ====== Fail Silently ------------- ``django_jenkins`` will fail silently if there are no unit tests to run. .. _`django-jenkins on github`: .. _`A Python Love Story: Virtualenv and Hudson`: