Setup ***** Environment variables The environment variables ``ANT_HOME``, ``JAVA_HOME``, and ``PATH`` must be set (eg, Settings - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Environment Variables - System Variables). :: ANT_HOME=C:\Tools\apache-ant-1.6.5 JAVA_HOME=C:\Tools\jdk1.5.0_03 PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin To get started with building with ANT see: and: :: C:\Development\java\learning\ant-tutorial-1 Step 1 ====== Simple build with build.xml.v1 and :: ant compile ant jar ant run or: :: ant compile jar run And if you want to clean the project: :: ant clean Step 2 ====== More efficient build with build.xml.v2 and :: ant Step 3 ====== Full application including an external library (log4j) To build just use ant.