Docker ****** - Click here for :doc:`commands` - Click here for :doc:`getting-started` - Click here for :doc:`kibana` .. note:: We run ElasticSearch from a Docker container because Ubuntu 14.04 is using version 2.4.6. .. note:: We are using this container,, because I can't find an official ElasticSearch container for version 2.4. To start ElasticSearch in a Docker container:: docker run elasticsearch:2.4.6 # find the container ID docker ps # find the IP address of your container docker inspect c20f2a08570e | grep "IPAddress" # check ElasticSearch is running (using 'httpie') http GET "" Update your ``.private`` file to include the IP address of the container:: set -x ELASTICSEARCH_HOST "" set -x ELASTICSEARCH_PORT "9200" .. note:: This is the syntax for the ``fish`` shell.