Debug ***** See: Copied to: :: X:\PatrickK\articles\howto\Java\debug\of-thread-dumps-and-stack-traces.html You can get a thread dump by pressing the following at the command prompt: Ctrl+\ for unices or Ctrl+Break for windows machines. One neat API in Java that allows you to locate where a class is being picked up is: :: Class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation() `Java doesNotUnderstand-like behaviour in Eclipse`_ *Window*, *Preferences*, *Java*, *Code Style*, *Code Templates*, *Code*, *Method Body*: :: // ${todo} Auto-generated method stub throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); Then add a breakpoint to your *Debugger Breakpoint* view: "*New Java Exception for UnsupportedOperationException that hasn't been caught*". .. _`Java doesNotUnderstand-like behaviour in Eclipse`: