Tutorial ******** http://db.apache.org/derby/ .. highlight:: java Download ======== Download ``db-derby-``. I extracted to:: C:\tools\db-derby-\ Tutorial ======== http://db.apache.org/derby/papers/DerbyTut/index.html To test the installation, and extract:: cd db-derby- # windows java -cp lib\derby.jar;lib\derbytools.jar org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo # linux java -cp lib/derby.jar:lib/derbytools.jar org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo Or set the ``CLASSPATH`` environment variable:: # windows SET CLASSPATH=C:\tools\db-derby-\lib\derby.jar;C:\tools\db-derby-\lib\derbytools.jar # linux (fish shell) set -x CLASSPATH "/home/patrick/dev/learn/4588-derby-george/db-derby-" # java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo ij == ij is an interactive SQL scripting tool that comes with Derby. In this example we want to create a test database in the ``TEMP`` folder. We will start ``ij`` after moving to our folder and setting the ``CLASSPATH``:: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij This will give you the ij version followed by the prompt:: ij version 10.1 ij> Create a database ----------------- Start ``ij`` (see above). To create a database, specify the ``create=true`` attribute in the connection URL. For example, the command below creates a new database called ``MyDbTest``:: ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest;create=true'; ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:POS'; .. note:: `A Derby Database`_ directory contains ``log``, ``seg0``, ``tmp`` directories and a ``service.properties`` file. Quit ---- Now quit out of ij:: ij> exit; The exit command quits out of ``ij`` and, in embedded mode, shuts down the Derby database. Connect to a database --------------------- Start ``ij`` (see above). Connect to the database you just created:: ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest'; This ``connect`` command takes two parameters: =============== ========= =================================================== Parameter Name Description =============== ========= =================================================== ``jdbc:derby`` Protocol Driver to load. In this case, it knows to load the embedded JDBC driver ``MyDbTest`` Database In the connection URL above works because the ``MyDbTest`` database directory is in the current working directory. =============== ========= =================================================== Let's say that your current directory location is ``/home/bill/databases`` and that you decide to change your directory to a different place entirely. You can connect to the ``MyDbTest`` database by specifying the complete directory path, like this:: ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:/home/bill/databases/MyDbTest'; The protocol can also be specified with a property as shown below:: java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: org.apache.derby.tools.ij ij> connect 'MyDbTest'; You could also specify the Derby system home for the database like this:: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij -Dderby.system.home=/home/bill/databases ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest'; Execute SQL statements ---------------------- Once you connect to a database, you can execute SQL statements. ``ij`` expects each statement to be terminated with a semicolon; for example:: ij> create table derbyDB(num int, addr varchar(40)); ij> insert into derbyDB values (1956,'Webster St.'); ij> insert into derbyDB values (1910,'Union St.'); ij> update derbyDB set num=180, addr='Grand Ave.' where num=1956; ij> select * from derbyDb; Disconnect from a database -------------------------- The disconnect command disconnects from the current database:: ij> disconnect; Run SQL Scripts --------------- You can execute SQL scripts in ij as shown below:: ij> run 'my_file.sql'; You can also run SQL scripts from the command line:: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij my_file.sql .. _`A Derby Database`: https://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.0/manuals/develop/develop13.html