Folders and Directories *********************** Collections =========== Note: A ``File`` object does not compare as expected when used as a key in a map. Better to convert the folder into a *normalised* string format before using as a key. For sample code: :: ../../misc/howto/java/ Create a folder/directory... ============================ :: String newFolderPath = "C:\\"; String newFolderName = "MyFolder"; String spoonFeeding = newFolderPath + newFolderName; File f = new File(spoonFeeding); f.mkDir(); From Check if a folder/directory exists: =================================== :: // From com.mycompany.lucene.RepositoryWriter private void checkIndexDoesNotExist(final File repositoryFolder) throws MyException { if (repositoryFolder.isDirectory()) { throw new MyException("Index already exists [" + repositoryFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } } Create a Folder =============== :: void createFolder(final File folder) { if (!folder.isDirectory()) { folder.mkdir(); } } Create the folder and any nonexistent parent directories. --------------------------------------------------------- :: if (!new File(folder).mkdirs()) { throw new MyException("Cannot create folder [" + folder + "]"); } Delete a Folder =============== - *Delete Folder* in Apache, Commons IO: :doc:`../apache/commons-io`. - `Deleting a Directory`_ :: // Deletes all files and subdirectories under dir. // Returns true if all deletions were successful. // If a deletion fails, the method stops attempting to delete and returns false. public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i=0; i