Datasource ********** In this example, I am going to try and set-up a Microsoft SQL Server connection pool and JDBC resource. Setup ===== - Copy your JDBC driver (in this example ``jtds-1.2.jar``) to the ``domain-dir/lib`` folder. On a default GlassFish 2 installation: :: C:\tools\glassfish-v2ur2\domains\domain1\lib\ - Re-start the GlassFish server. Configuration ============= Connection Pool --------------- - Log into the admin interface. - *Resources*, *JDBC*, *Connection Pools*, *New* (or *Common Tasks*, *Create New JDBC Connection Pool*). - Give the connection pool a name. Possibly best to append the work ``pool`` to make it clear e.g. ``integration_test_pool``. - Choose a *Resource Type*. Choices include ``javax.sql.XADataSource`` (global transactions), ``java.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource`` (local transactions, possible performance improvements), and ``javax.sql.DataSource`` (local transactions only). - Choose a *Database Vendor* and click *Next*. - If the JDBC driver has a Datasource class for the resource type and database vendor specified in the previous page, then the value of the *Datasource Classname* field is provided. If not, enter it e.g. ``net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource``. - If you would like to, enter a description of the connection pool. - Fill in *Pool Settings* details as required (see the *Help* file for detailed information). - Fill in *Connection Validation* as required (see the *Help* file for detailed information). **Note**: If you are deploying a Spring within GlassFish and it will need access to this resource, make sure you tick *Allow Non Component Callers*. - Fill in *Transaction* details as required (see the *Help* file for detailed information). - Fill in the properties as required for your database driver: :: ../../images/howto/glassfish/connection-pool-properties.gif - Finish - To test the connection, edit the connection pool and click *Ping*. JDBC Resource ------------- - *Resources*, *JDBC*, *JDBC Resources*, *New* - Give the JDBC Resource a name e.g. ``integration_test``. - Select the correct *Pool Name*. - If you want, give the resource a description.