Grails - Getting Started ************************ Scaffolding =========== - Create e.g. ``bookapp``: :: grails create-app cd bookapp Note: Database settings can be found here, :doc:`grails-database`. - Run :: grails run-app - Test Browse to http://localhost:8080/bookapp - Create a domain object e.g. ``Book`` (a domain class is a persistent artifact and all properties are by default persisted to the database): :: grails create-domain-class - Edit the domain object: :: grails-app/domain/Book.groovy :: class Book { String title String author } - Test Data You can create some test data, by editing ``BootStrap.groovy``: :: grails-app\conf\BootStrap.groovy :: class BootStrap { def init = { servletContext -> // Create some test data new Book(author:"Stephen King",title:"The Shining").save() new Book(author:"James Patterson",title:"Along Came a Spider").save() } def destroy = { } } - Create a controller e.g. ``Book``. :: grails create-controller Controllers are central to Grails applications they handle web requests and URLs of the request map to a controller class and a closure within the class. - Edit the controller: :: grails-app\controllers\BookController.groovy :: class BookController { def scaffold = Book } Note: - Make sure that you typed ``Book`` with a capital ``B``. - You will need to remove or comment out the ``def index = { }`` from the generated file for the scaffolding to work. - Alternatively, you could also have run ``grails generate-all``, which creates all the scaffolding for you, and left the generated controller alone, instead of replacing it with the default scaffolding ( - Run :: grails run-app Note: To run with the production database environment (see ``grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy``): :: grails prod run-app - Test Browse to http://localhost:8080/bookapp/book/list