Setup ***** Very confusing. I am just writing down what I remember! Get "maven" working. Checkout the jackrabbit source from svn. In my case from: to: ``C:\Tools\jackrabbit>`` From ``README.txt``: After installing Maven 1.0, be sure to download the latest release of the Ant plugin (1.8.1 or later) using a command like :: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-ant-plugin -Dversion=1.8.1 From ``README.txt``: NOTE: JDK 1.5 users need to download ``xalan.jar`` and place it in ``$MAVEN_HOME/lib/endorsed`` to build the Jackrabbit sources. I think I downloaded: ``xalan-j-current-bin-2jars.tar.gz`` from: This includes ``xalan.jar`` in the following folder: :: xalan-j-current-bin-2jars.tar.gz\xalan-j-current-bin-2jars.tar\xalan-j_2_6_0\bin I think I changed into the following folder: :: C:\Tools\jackrabbit\ ran: :: maven jar:jar This built and installed the following jars: :: jackrabbit-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar jackrabbit-commons-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar jackrabbit-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar into my maven repository: ``C:\Documents and Settings\patrickk\.maven\repository\jackrabbit\jars`` Not all tests passed - but most of them seemed to. Then tried to build the "first steps" samples using maven. The instructions can be found at the following web page: I think I used ``maven genapp`` (see the maven how to). I had various issues which I have listed below: - I changed the ``maven genapp`` folders as suggested but forgot to change the ``project.xml`` file. - Could not find the ``javax.jcr`` jar file for ages. It is in the maven repository: :: C:\Documents and Settings\patrickk\.maven\repository\jsr170\jars - Had to update the ``project.xml`` file with the following dependencies: :: jackrabbit jackrabbit-api 1.0-SNAPSHOT jar jackrabbit jackrabbit-commons 1.0-SNAPSHOT jar jackrabbit jackrabbit-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT jar jsr170 jcr 1.0 jar log4j log4j 1.2.8 jar commons-collections commons-collections 3.1 jar xerces xercesImpl 2.6.2 jar concurrent concurrent 1.3.4 jar lucene lucene 1.4.3 jar - To set the repository location changed the sample source code as follows: :: String repHomeDir = "c:/repository/jcr/"; - Changed the ``repository.xml`` location to: :: String configFile = "repository.xml"; The actual ``repository.xml`` file is in the root of my project: :: C:\development\java\learning\jackrabbit\JCRTest1 - Had log4j configuration file error (as always). Got it working by putting ```` into: :: C:\development\java\learning\jackrabbit\JCRTest1\target\classes This is on my classpath which can (sort of) be seen by looking in: "Run...", "Java Application", "Classpath" tab - The ``jaas.config`` file was also placed in the root of my project: :: C:\development\java\learning\jackrabbit\JCRTest1 Also added the following to eclipse, "Run...", "Java Application", "Arguments" tab, "VM arguments": :: - As I added each new dependancy I had to run ``maven eclipse`` from the command line and then refresh the eclipse project. The finished project is in: :: C:\development\java\learning\jackrabbit\JCRTest1