JavaDoc ******* Links ===== - `How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool`_ - `How to JavaDoc (efficient and maintainable) - 6 steps`_ - `JavaDoc doclet for API visualization`_. It generates comprehensive UML-like class and package diagrams for quick understanding of the overall API structure. Code ==== **Note**: Since Java 5 you can use ``{@code}`` instead of the actual HTML code tags - helps cut back on clutter. :: {@code fileName} :: * @return true if the image is completely * loaded and was painted successfully; * false otherwise. Inherit ======= If you use the ``inheritDoc`` tag when a class is inheriting an interface the javadocs are also inherited (also keeps CheckStyle happy): :: /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Line break ========== ``

`` and ``
``: :: /** * Simple function to create a repository. *

* - The repository must be created using this function...
* This text will start on a new line... Link ==== `A Tip for Writing Better Javadoc`_ :: /** Calling this method will return a {@link String} with the user's name */ /** Used to get the cached result of {@link AbstractDocument.Content#createPosition(int) } */ The beauty of this tag is that depending on how you have your API-linking setup during the Javadoc generation stage the behavior of ``@link`` seems to be as follows: - If the class referenced is accessible given the current scope of linked Javadoc, make the class a hyperlink over to that classes's Javadoc page. - If the class referenced is not accessible, simply wrap it with ``code`` tags to make it stand out in the doc as a code artifact. To set a label for the link: :: {@link AbstractDocument.Content#createPosition(int) MyLabel} List ==== :: *

**Note**: For a numbered list, use the ``
    `` tag (rather than ``