JDK Recompile Old Version ************************* Looks like ColdFusion will not work with jdk1.5 so I will try and recompile all our third party libraries with: :: C:\Tools\j2sdk1.4.2_08 ant: Changed java home to: :: JAVA_HOME=C:\Tools\j2sdk1.4.2_08 PDF Box :: c:\Tools\PDFBox-0.7.1 ant New jar in: :: C:\Tools\PDFBox-0.7.1\lib log4j :: C:\Tools\logging-log4j-1.2.11 ant jar Could not compile - Various errors which look complicated to solve. See ``build.properties.sample`` I will just hope that the supplied log4j jar files are compiled with jdk 1.4! Spoke to *M*. Can open up the jar file and look in the manifest to see which version of the jdk was used. e.g. *Created-By: 1.4.2_07-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)* But it is very difficult to go back and recompile all the jar files...