jManage ******* Download jManage. I downloaded the binary and installed to: :: C:\tools\jmanage-1.0.2\ Open a Command Prompt which has the Java Path set correctly and run ``startup.cmd``: :: cd C:\tools\jmanage-1.0.2\bin\ startup.cmd Enter the user name ``admin`` and password ``123456``. This will start the application. To view the user interface open a web browser and use the following url: http://localhost:9090 Login to the application, user name ``admin`` and password ``123456``. If the application has not been set-up, select *Add Application*, *JSR160 Application* and set-up the application details. I used the Mule JMX URL: :: service:jmx:rmi://myworkstation/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/server :: ../../images/howto/jmanage/jmanage-connection-properties.gif Or for the JVM running Mule on server2: :: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://server2:1098/jmxrmi The rest of the application works as you would expect.