Remote ****** **Note**: Before you start... - Remember to copy the jar files for the test application into the ``lib/ext`` folder on the workstation and server. - If another application on the same server starts an Rmi Registry then JMeter will NOT start *(my app starts an Rmi Registry)*. On the remote server run: :: jmeter-server.bat I installed JMeter on a server in my home folder. So to run: :: cd E:\home\patrickk\tools\jakarta-jmeter-2.1.1\bin\ jmeter-server.bat On the local workstation start JMeter with a command line parameter which lists remote hosts: :: jmeter -Jremote_hosts= To start the test, open the test script, select *Run*, *Remote Start*, ``ip address`` History ======= Note: Had to install JMeter version 2.1.1 on both server and workstation before it would work. JMeter failed to start on the server - I don't think the RMI server had time to get going. Just re-started JMeter without shutting down the RMI command prompt. All OK.