log4j ***** log4j.properties ================ Had a project where we did not want the ``log4j.properties`` to be added to the jar file but we still wanted log4j to work for unit tests. We moved ``log4j.properties`` from ``src\main\resources`` to the root folder of the project. Maven 2 ------- Define the location of the configuration file on the ``mvn`` command line: :: mvn -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.properties clean install site dependency:copy-dependencies Maven 1 ------- Add the following to ``project.properties``: :: maven.junit.sysproperties=log4j.configuration log4j.configuration=file:${basedir}/log4j.properties Debug ===== Maven originally had problems finding the ``log4j.properties`` file. Add the ``log4j.debug`` to the ``project.properties`` file: :: maven.junit.sysproperties=log4j.configuration log4j.debug log4j.configuration=file:${basedir}/log4j.properties log4j.debug=true Eclipse ======= To configure Eclipse to use a ``log4j.properties`` file which is not on the classpath see: :doc:`../eclipse/log4j`.