Getting Started *************** Install ======= - Download ```` - Un-zip the archive. Install to a folder which doesn't include the version number (upgrades are done *in place* and the version in the folder name will be confusing). - To install the service, run ``InstallNexus.bat`` which is in this folder: :: nexus-webapp-1.0.2\bin\jsw\windows-x86-32\ - Start the service... - Check the log file: :: sonatype-work\nexus\logs\nexus.log - Browse to http://localhost:8081/nexus/ Configuration ============= - Log into the application as an administrator. The default user name and password are ``admin``, ``admin123``. - Change the administrator password, by selecting, *Change Password* in the left hand *Security* menu. - Change the administrator account by selecting *Users* in the left hand *Security* menu. - Update the email configuration by reviewing the *Server* configuration in in the left hand *Administration* menu. - Review the storage locations by checking *Repositories* in the left hand *Administration* menu. Apache ====== - Make sure the *Base URL* is empty in the *Application Server Settings* in the *Server* configuration option (accessed from the left hand *Administration* menu). - Edit the Apache ``conf/httpd.conf`` file, and uncomment the following lines: :: LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ - Add the following to the Apache ``conf/httpd.conf`` file (I put it near the end): :: ProxyRequests Off Order deny,allow Allow from all ProxyPass /nexus http://localhost:8081/nexus ProxyPreserveHost On Note: For more information see `jetty, Configuring mod_proxy`_ - Re-start Apache, and browse to your Nexus repository: .. _`jetty, Configuring mod_proxy`: