Dependency ********** Links ===== - `Maven 2 Dependency Plugin - Introduction`_ - Jira_ Analyse ======= `Optimizing with the Maven Dependency Plugin`_ :: mvn dependency:analyze Add ``-X`` to get verbose output. Copy ==== To copy project dependencies: :: mvn dependency:copy-dependencies Will copy project dependencies to: :: target\dependency\ Classpath ========= Output the path of the dependencies from the local repository in a classpath format to be used in ``java -cp``: :: mvn dependency:build-classpath Offline ======= Downloads all project dependencies and plugins, transitively: :: dependency:go-offline Resolve ======= Tells Maven to resolve test scope dependencies and displays the version: :: mvn dependency:resolve ...looks for mismatches in your ``dependencyManagement`` section: :: mvn dependency:analyze-dep-mgt POM === If you want this to run every time you run a ``package`` (or ``install``) goal. Add the following to your ``pom.xml`` file: :: org.codehaus.mojo dependency-maven-plugin copy-dependencies package copy-dependencies ... Tree ==== **Note**: See note below... :: mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose To check the tree for a specific dependency: :: mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=log4j:log4j:jar **Note**: The tree is built using the ``pom.xml`` file in the local ``.m2`` repository. To update the report, remember to run ``mvn install`` on any modules you update! .. _`Maven 2 Dependency Plugin - Introduction`: .. _Jira: .. _`Optimizing with the Maven Dependency Plugin`: