Release ******* Links ===== - - JIRA_ - `How to create a release using the maven2 release plugin`_. The text below is from the `Better Builds with Maven`_ book, section *7.8. Cutting a Release*. Description =========== The release plugin operates in two steps: prepare and perform. The prepare step is run once for a release, and does all of the project and source control manipulation that results in a tagged version. The perform step could potentially be run multiple times to rebuild a release from a clean checkout of the tagged version, and to perform standard tasks, such as deployment to the remote repository. Preparation =========== pom.xml ------- *Subversion* Your project must specify its location within the source code repository e.g: :: scm:svn:http://woody/svn/test/mvn-release-plugin/trunk/ scm:svn:http://woody/svn/test/mvn-release-plugin/trunk/ *Repository* The ``release:perform`` goal will deploy the artifacts to your local Maven repository. Set-up the location of your repository: :: woody woody file:\\woody\Maven2Repository\repository\ *File* If you use a url with a ``file`` path in Windows format you will only be able to run the ``release:perform`` goal from a Windows command prompt. *FTP* If you want to use a url with an ``ftp`` path then add the following to your ``pom.xml`` :: org.apache.maven.wagon wagon-ftp 1.0-alpha-5 Note: The FTP stuff appears to fail with various exceptions. Probably worth trying again in a few weeks. *Goals* The ``release:perform`` goal will run ``deploy`` and ``site-deploy`` goals by default. To change this add the following to your ``pom.xml``: :: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-release-plugin deploy Subversion ---------- Make sure everything is committed to the source code repository. An ``svn stat`` command should only display files and folders created by Maven e.g. ``target``. If you need to hide files from the release plugin you could use the Subversion ``ignore`` property, :doc:`../subversion/properties`. Dry Run ======= This simulates a normal release preparation, without making any modifications to your project. :: mvn release:clean release:prepare -DdryRun=true You might like to look at the ``pom.xml.tag`` and ```` files which as created. The version and SCM information is updated. If there is an error: Release ======= Prepare ------- The ``release:prepare`` goal will update the ``pom.xml`` file in the ``trunk`` and create a copy of your project as a Subversion ``tag``: :: mvn release:clean release:prepare You may prefer to use the default version numbers and tag locations: :: mvn --batch-mode release:clean release:prepare Perform ------- The ``release:perform`` goal will checkout the code from the most recent release, build it and deploy the jar files to the specified repository: :: mvn release:perform To release from an older version, or if the ```` file had been removed, you would run the following *from an empty folder*: :: mvn release:perform -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:http://woody/svn/test/tags/test-1.2/ Issues ====== Skip Unit Tests --------------- The normal ``-Dmaven.test.skip=true`` option to skip unit tests has no effect when performing a release. To skip unit tests: - create a profile, :doc:`profile`, which sets the ``maven.test.skip`` property to ``true``. The scm url is invalid. ----------------------- Maven Plugin - SCM, Issues, The scm url is invalid, :doc:`mvn-plugin-scm`. Unable to tag SCM ----------------- See Subversion Issues, :doc:`../subversion/issues`. :: skip-test true - Activate the profile at the command line e.g. :: mvn release:clean release:prepare -DdryRun=true -P skip-test svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt ------------------------------------------- :: svn: Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup' and try again SCM-409_ The path is probably too long. Try releasing from a folder nearer the root of your drive. .. _JIRA: .. _`How to create a release using the maven2 release plugin`: .. _`Better Builds with Maven`: .. _SCM-409: