SCM *** A common API for doing SCM operations: Checkout (without a POM) ======================== :: mvn scm:checkout -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:http://servername/svn/projects/myproject/trunk/ -DcheckoutDirectory=myproject If you have problems with security e.g. *authorization failed* then setup the security (see below). Providers ========= ========= ============================================ Mercurial ========= ============================================ Security ======== To specify the login name and password. Create an ``~/.m2/settings.xml`` file: :: servername username password Update ====== :: mvn scm:update Issues ====== The scm url is invalid ---------------------- The URL for svn repositories is a bit confusing. Be sure to put enough ``svn`` items in the url e.g. ``scm:svn:svn://svn``: :: mvn release:perform -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:svn://