Site - Multi-Module ******************* Links ===== - Hudson - Maven Site, :doc:`hudson/maven-site`. - `Maven 2 Site Plugin`_ - `Reporting on a Multi-Module Project with Maven 2`_ Deploy ====== To view the site generated from a multi module project using the site staging facility: :: mvn clean install mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=C:\temp\site Note: - We have to run the ``install`` goal first to create the project artifacts which the site needs to build correctly. For more information see, Cross module dependencies for multi-module site. - The ``site:stage`` goal is not working for me. See the notes dated 26/09/2008 16:41:15 below for more information. - Note: Hudson makes site generation nice and simple. For details, see Hudson - Maven Site, :doc:`hudson/maven-site`. Setup ===== Parent ------ - Add the following element to the ``site.xml`` file: :: - Set-up the reports so they work correctly with aggregation. Here is a sample reports section: :: ../../misc/howto/maven/pom-standard-reports-multi-module.xml Module ------ - Remove the ``url`` tag from the ``pom.xml`` file. - Create a simple ``site.xml`` file: :: The other attributes should be inherited from the parent. - Create an ``index.apt`` file in ``src/site/apt/``. In this file add a simple description of the module. Issues ====== 27/04/2007 11:22 ---------------- The cobertura and cross reference reports are not working in the multi-module site. *Cobertura* - `Fix for datafile configuration in limited environments`_. - ``_ *Cross Reference* This may just be an issue when using ``site:stage``. The JXR files are generated correctly when you run the ``site`` goal. - `M2 site:stage does not copy apidocs and xref`_? - `[M2] No xref report when executing site:stage`_? 02/09/2008 17:10:46 ------------------- :: [WARNING] DEPRECATED [aggregate]: As of version 2.5, use the goals javadoc:aggregate and javadoc:test-aggregate instead. 26/09/2008 16:41:15 ------------------- The ``site:stage`` goal is really not working for me. I tried ``site site:deploy`` with a simple file in the ``distributionManagement`` section of the ``pom.xml`` file: :: website file:///home/patrick/temp/site/ ...the links from the parent ``index.html`` file are now pointing correctly to the modules. 08/10/2009 06:23:30 ------------------- I was getting problems building the Maven site on our Hudson multi-module project. Looks like this person had the same issues, but has found a solution: - `Wierdness with Maven's site-deploy and Hudson`_ - `M2 Extra Steps Plugin`_ .. _`Maven 2 Site Plugin`: .. _`Reporting on a Multi-Module Project with Maven 2`: .. _`Fix for datafile configuration in limited environments`: .. _``: .. _`M2 site:stage does not copy apidocs and xref`: .. _`[M2] No xref report when executing site:stage`: .. _`Wierdness with Maven's site-deploy and Hudson`: .. _`M2 Extra Steps Plugin`: