SQL *** Links ===== - http://mojo.codehaus.org/sql-maven-plugin/ - JIRA_ Sample ====== How to (drop)/create a Microsoft SQL Server database, and drop it after the test: sample-sql-plugin_ (22/07/2008 15:23:01) I am hoping to build a full sample using LiquiBase, :doc:`../liquibase/getting-started` which will use the ``sql-maven-plugin`` to create a database before creating all the indexes and tables. Issues ====== HSQL - 28/08/2008 11:31:41 -------------------------- Doesn't appear to work with an in-memory HSQL database. The plugin appears to create the tables correctly, but the application cannot see the database. .. _JIRA: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSQL .. _sample-sql-plugin: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/maven/sample-sql-plugin