Tomcat ****** Links ===== - - `How to create a Maven web app and deploy to Tomcat`_ Configuration ============= Add this section to the ``pom.xml`` file setting the name of your server (in this example ``tomcat-localhost``): :: org.codehaus.mojo tomcat-maven-plugin tomcat-localhost To your :doc:`settings` file add the authentication details for this server: :: tomcat-localhost tomcat tomcat Usage ===== Deploying a WAR file -------------------- The simplest way to deploy a WAR project to Tomcat is to type: :: mvn tomcat:deploy This goal will assemble and deploy the WAR file to Tomcat manager using HTTP PUT. Redeploy -------- :: mvn package tomcat:redeploy Undeploy -------- :: mvn tomcat:undeploy Embedded Tomcat --------------- A project can be run under an embedded Tomcat server by typing: :: mvn tomcat:run Deploying an exploded WAR directory ----------------------------------- To avoid building a WAR file upon deployment, a WAR directory can instead be deployed to Tomcat by typing: :: mvn war:exploded tomcat:exploded Information ----------- *JNDI* To list all the JNDI resources: :: mvn tomcat:resources *Session* :: mvn tomcat:sessions .. _`How to create a Maven web app and deploy to Tomcat`: