Getting Started *************** Links ===== - `The 2 minutes tutorial`_ - `Full installation in 5 steps`_ - `Declare the Sonar Maven Repository inside Nexus`_... - `Collect data`_. Download ======== Download ```` from Install ======= Extract the archive to a convenient folder. I extracted to: :: c:\tools\sonar-1.11\ Database ======== MySQL ----- To set-up using MySQL: :: cd C:\mysql-5.1.35-win32\bin\ mysql -u root mysql> CREATE DATABASE sonar CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; mysql> grant all privileges on sonar.* to 'sonar'@'localhost' identified by 'tootinG'; mysql> flush privileges; Configuration ------------- Edit the Sonar configuration file, ``conf/``: - Comment out the ``org.apache.derby`` lines. - Uncomment the *MySql* lines. - Set the ``sonar.jdbc.username`` and ``sonar.jdbc.password``. Testing ======= - To start the server from the command line: :: cd \tools\sonar-1.11\ bin\windows-x86-32\StartSonar.bat Note: If you cannot access the database server, see Issues, MySQL, :doc:`issues`. - Browse to http://servername:9000/ Maven ===== Settings -------- We need to update the Maven settings file so the build can *find* the Sonar server. If using Hudson, then update the Maven ``settings.xml`` file used by Hudson: :: sonar true jdbc:mysql://sys.mycompany:3306/sonar?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver sonar tootinG Note: The ``&`` is not a mistake! Nexus ----- - If your Maven installation is set-up to use Nexus, create a new proxy repository in Nexus: ============================ ================================================= **Format** Maven2 **Repository Policy** Release **Remote Storage Location** http://dev3.server:9000/deploy/maven **Download Remote Indexes** False **Checksum Policy** Ignore ============================ ================================================= - Add this newly created repository to your public group of repositories. Hudson ====== The Sonar plugin will automatically run the ``sonar:sonar`` goal after the main build. - Install the *Sonar Plugin*: *Manage Hudson*, *Manage Plugins*... - *Manage Hudson*, *Configure System*, add a new Sonar installation. - Configure your Hudson project (should only use the Sonar plugin with builds which execute once per day). Tick the *Sonar*, *Post-build Action*. - Keep the default settings. Service ======= To install Sonar as a service: :: bin\windows-x86-32\InstallNTService.bat bin\windows-x86-32\UninstallNTService.bat Browse to http://localhost:9000/ Collect Data ============ Looks like the correct way to collect the Sonar data (using Maven) is to run two separate commands: :: mvn clean install -Dtest=false -DfailIfNoTests=false mvn sonar:sonar Note: The Hudson Sonar plugin will run the second command automatically... .. _`The 2 minutes tutorial`: .. _`Full installation in 5 steps`: .. _`Declare the Sonar Maven Repository inside Nexus`: .. _`Collect data`: