GlassFish ********* Links ===== `Sample Application using JSF, Spring 2.0, and Java Persistence APIs`_ Sample ------ sample-spring-on-glassfish_ Download ======== - ```` from - ```` from Setup ===== - Install GlassFish, :doc:`../glassfish/install`. - Unzip the Spring download and from this copy: - ``dist/spring.jar`` - ``lib/jakarta-commons/commons-logging.jar`` - ``lib/log4j/log4j-1.2.14.jar`` your glassfish installation lib directory, ``glassfish/lib``. - Open Netbeans - In the *Tools* menu, select *Library Manager*... - Add a new Library, call it ``Spring``. - Add the 3 Jars you copied to ``glassfish/lib`` - Extract ```` to a folder. I extracted to: :: C:\src\SpringJPA\ - Open the project in Netbeans. - Resolve the missing project, ``SpringJPA-war``. This can be found in the ``SpringJPA`` project folder: ``SpringJPA/SpringJPA-war``. - Resolve the missing server. You might need to add the GlassFish server you just installed. - Run the project in Netbeans. .. _`Sample Application using JSF, Spring 2.0, and Java Persistence APIs`: .. _sample-spring-on-glassfish: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/sample-spring-on-glassfish