Sample ****** Introduction to Spring ====================== - IBM developerWorks article: `The Spring series, Part 1: Introduction to the Spring framework`_ - sample-spring-introduction_ - sample-spring-mvc-step-by-step_ Simple Class Creation and Injecting an Attribute ================================================ Article ------- The code is from these articles: - `Spring in a nutshell (part. 1 - IoC container 1)`_ - `Spring in a nutshell (part. 1 - IoC container 2)`_ Subversion ---------- The Subversion URL for the code is: - https://weezy/svn/learn/java/spring-in-a-nutshell Run --- To run the application: :: mvn clean package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mycompany.learn.spring.Principal" JDBC ==== Article ------- - `Simplifying JDBC With The Spring JDBC Abstraction Framework`_ .. _`The Spring series, Part 1: Introduction to the Spring framework`: .. _sample-spring-introduction: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/sample-spring-introduction .. _sample-spring-mvc-step-by-step: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/sample-spring-mvc-step-by-step .. _`Spring in a nutshell (part. 1 - IoC container 1)`: .. _`Spring in a nutshell (part. 1 - IoC container 2)`: .. _`Simplifying JDBC With The Spring JDBC Abstraction Framework`: