Deploy ****** Links ===== - `Tomcat Web Application Deployment, A word on Contexts`_ - `Apache Tomcat Configuration Reference, The Context Container`_ - `The Technique of Virtual Deployment in Tomcat`_ Context ======= To deploy an application outside of the ``webapps`` folder, extract the ``war`` file or copy the exploded application to a folder. In this example the folder is: :: C:\deploy\myfaces-template\ Create new folders inside the ``conf`` folder of Tomcat. In this example the folder names are: :: conf\Catalina\localhost\ The folder names are from two places: - The ``Engine name`` from ``conf/server.xml`` (I think). - The host name. In this example ``localhost``. Inside this folder create an XML file to hold the context (web application). In this example the file is called ``myfaces-template.xml``. Here are the contents of a typical (Tomcat 6) file: :: For Tomcat 5 you will probably need to add the ``path`` attribute. +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cachingAllowed`` | The cache for static resources will be used | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cookies`` | If you want cookies to be used for session identifier communication | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``path`` | For Tomcat 6 (see :doc:`issues`): | | | The value of this field must not be set except when statically defining | | | a Context in ``server.xml``, as it will be infered from the filenames | | | used for either the ``.xml`` context file or the ``docBase``. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``privileged`` | Set to true to allow this context to use container servlets, like the | | | manager servlet. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``docBase`` | The Document Base (also known as the Context Root) directory for this | | | web application, or the pathname to the web application archive file | | | (if this web application is being executed directly from the WAR file). | | | You may specify an absolute pathname for this directory or WAR file, or | | | a pathname that is relative to the appBase directory of the owning Host. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``reloadable`` | Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in | | | ``/WEB-INF/classes/`` and ``/WEB-INF/lib`` for changes, | | | and automatically reload the web application if a change is detected. | | | This feature is very useful during application development, but it | | | requires significant runtime overhead and is not recommended for use on | | | deployed production applications. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``swallowOutput`` | If the value of this flag is true, the bytes output to ``System.out`` | | | and ``System.err`` by the web application will be redirected to the | | | web application logger. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``useNaming`` | Set to true to have Catalina enable a JNDI ``InitialContext``. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``Valve`` | A ``Valve`` element represents a component that will be inserted into | | | the request processing pipeline for the associated Catalina container. | | | | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ See :doc:`issues` for details of an error which occurs when the ``path`` attribute is missing. Permissions =========== From: If you are on a system where you are not the owner of the Tomcat install, then the Tomcat owner must either grant you full access to the webapps directory or the owner must create a new directory named 'springapp' in the 'webapps' directory of the Tomcat installation, and also give you full rights to deploy to this newly created directory. On Linux I run the command: :: chmod a+rwx springapp to give everybody full rights to this directory. .. _`Apache Tomcat Configuration Reference, The Context Container`: .. _`The Technique of Virtual Deployment in Tomcat`: .. _`Tomcat Web Application Deployment, A word on Contexts`: