UpdateManager ************* - Ext.UpdateManager_ Sample ====== :: Name:
:: Ext.get('okButton').on('click', function(){ var msg = Ext.get('msg'); msg.load({ url: 'http://localhost:8080/j2ee-simple-servlet/resources/helloworld', text: 'Updating...' }); msg.show(); }); Issues ====== Errors ------ When you try to load a page with UpdateManager that doesn't exist or returns an error, the loading indicator will show forever. The `original sample`_ includes parameters in the call to ``msg.load()`` :: msg.load({ url: [server url], // <-- replace with your url params: 'name=' + Ext.get('name').dom.value, text: 'Updating...' }); As we can see from `this forum post`_ if you pass ``params`` to ``load`` it does an HTTP ``POST``; otherwise it does a ``GET``. I used :doc:`../../linux/curl` to do a ``POST`` on this URL and it returned an *HTTP Status 405* error... Here are a couple of forum discussions: - `Suggestion for UpdateManager.processFailure`_ - `UpdateManager Failure Event`_ .. _Ext.UpdateManager: http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.UpdateManager.html .. _`original sample`: http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Ext#Using_Ajax .. _`this forum post`: http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7849 .. _`Suggestion for UpdateManager.processFailure`: http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7360 .. _`UpdateManager Failure Event`: http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2036