Array ***** Compare ======= From `Utility functions in KnockoutJS`_ Sample ------ :: //find any unused categories viewModel.missingCategories = ko.dependentObservable(function() { //find out the categories that are missing from uniqueNames var differences = ko.utils.compareArrays(viewModel.categories, viewModel.uniqueCategories()); //return a flat list of differences var results = []; ko.utils.arrayForEach(differences, function(difference) { if (difference.status === "deleted") { results.push(difference.value); } }); return results; }, viewModel) The result of ``ko.utils.compareArrays`` is an array that contains items with a status property (``added``, ``deleted``, or ``retained``) and a ``value`` property holding the original item. Operations ========== From `10 things to know about KnockoutJS on day one`_: An ``observableArray`` is actually just an observable. They follow the same rules and have the same features as observables. An ``observableArray`` also has some extra methods added to it to perform basic array operations. These functions perform their action on the underlying array and then notify subscribers that there was a change. These methods include: :: pop push reverse shift sort splice unshift In addition to the those operations, there are several other methods added for common operations. These include: :: remove removeAll destroy destroyAll replace indexOf Sample ------ :: //remove an item items.remove(someItem); //remove all items with the name "Bob" items.remove(function(item) { return === "Bob" }); //remove all items items.removeAll(); //pass in an array of items to remove items.removeAll(itemsToRemove) //retrieve the index of an item items.indexOf(someItem); //replace an item item.replace(someItem, replaceItem); Note: ``destroy``/``destroyAll`` work like ``replace``/``replaceAll``, except they only mark the items as destroyed and don't actually remove them. .. _`10 things to know about KnockoutJS on day one`: .. _`Utility functions in KnockoutJS`: