Testing ******* Links ===== Command Line ------------ - http://www.phantomjs.org/ PhantomJS is a command-line tool that packs and embeds WebKit. - http://jshint.org/ JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code Google ------ - :doc:`../../google/jstestdriver/getting-started` jQuery ------ - :doc:`jquery/unittest` jsTest ------ - `jsTest is a suite of programs for unit testing JavaScript code`_ - `jsTest JavaScript unit testing tool`_ Mock ---- - http://sinonjs.org/ .. _`jsTest is a suite of programs for unit testing JavaScript code`: http://bin.thinkpond.org/site/jstest-tools/ .. _`jsTest JavaScript unit testing tool`: http://thinkpond.org/content/view/14/33/