Getting Started *************** Download ======== Download ``jython_installer-*.jar`` from Install ======= Double click the jar... or: :: java -jar jython_installer-2.5.2.jar or... to start the console installer: :: java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar --console I installed to: :: # linux: ~/bin/jython2.5.2/ # Windows C:\tools\jython2.2\ Usage ===== Console ------- To start the ``jython`` console: :: ~/bin/jython2.5.2/jython Or: :: java -jar jython.jar ...if this won't work, you could use the following ``bash`` script: :: #!/bin/bash CLASSPATH="." CLASSPATH=":$CLASSPATH:jython21.jar" java -cp $CLASSPATH org.python.util.jython Script ------ To run a script: :: java -jar jython.jar easy_install and virtualenv --------------------------- - :doc:`easy_install` - :doc:`virtualenv`