Keyboard and Mouse ****************** Keyboard ======== :doc:`shortcuts` Run the *Tweak Tool* (``apt install gnome-tweak-tool``): - *Keyboard and Mouse* - *Additional Layout Options* - *Ctrl position* to *Caps Lock as Ctrl* - *Caps Lock behaviour* to *Caps is also a Ctrl* Keyboard Issues =============== Caps Lock --------- - :doc:`../../linux/i3/keyboard` - :doc:`../../linux/distro/ubuntu/keyboard` Inverted on start-up. From `Sometimes Caps Lock works inverted`_, I ran:: setleds -caps xmodmap -e "remove lock = Caps_Lock" setxkbmap -option Note: Only the final command didn't throw an error, but the issue was fixed. UK -- Losing the UK keyboard layout: - Settings - Region and Language - Input Sources - Add ``English (US)``, remove ``English (US)``. .. To remap the *Caps Lock* key to *Ctrl*: .. .. - System Settings .. - All Settings .. - Keyboard .. - *Layout Settings* shortcut in the bottom left of the dialog. .. - *Options...* button (bottom right of the dialog). .. - *Caps Lock key behaviour* .. - Select *Make Caps Lock an additional Control but keep the Caps_Lock keysym* Mouse ===== Enable the right click - Run the *Tweak Tool* - *Keyboard and Mouse* - *Mouse Click Emulation* - Tick *Area* .. _`Sometimes Caps Lock works inverted`: