FTP and SFTP ************ Links ===== - `Linux / Unix Command: ftp`_ Commands ======== =============================== =============================================================== bye quit session. ls list contents of remote folder (prefix with ``!`` for local). cd *folder name* change into the folder. cdup change into the parent folder. get *remote file* [local file] download a remote file. lcd change (or display) the local folder. mput \*.jpg upload all files ending with ``.jpg``. pwd print current directory. put *local file* [remote file] store a file on a remote machine. =============================== =============================================================== Sample ====== :: $ ftp files.honey.com ftp> ls drwxr-xr-x 3 matt (?) 4096 Jun 24 15:55 tutorials drwxr-xr-x 3 matt (?) 4096 Mar 18 07:47 dave ftp> cd "tutorials" ftp> ls -rw-r--r-- 1 matt (?) 37093620 Oct 15 2009 ProductDemo.mp4 ftp> get ProductDemo.mp4 local: ProductDemo.mp4 remote: ProductDemo.mp4 106354807 bytes received in 9.04 secs (11487.1 kB/s) ftp> bye .. _`Linux / Unix Command: ftp`: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_ftp.htm