Screen ****** Allows you to control multiple screens on a remote Linux computer. Like terminal server for Linux consoles. Links ===== - `The GNU Screen Mini Tutorial`_ - `Stayin' alive with Screen`_ - :doc:`apps/tmux` Setup ===== Copy the .screenrc_ configuration file to your home folder to bind *F11* and *F12* to the next and previous window commands. Usage ===== :: screen List ==== To list screens:: screen -ls Attach ====== To attach to a screen, do an "-ls" to get the name then:: screen -r "name" e.g:: screen -r 31619.ttyp2.gigan Detach ====== See *Shortcuts* below... Reattach ======== Attach here and now. In detail this means: If a session is running, then reattach:: screen -D -R Scrollback ========== `Working with the Scrollback Buffer`_ Edit your ``~/.screenrc`` file and add the following:: defscrollback 5000 This will give you 5000 lines of scrollback. To enter scrollback mode: *Ctrl* *a*, *[*. Note: The screen will say ``Copy mode``. Use the normal vim commands to move around the screen. To copy: - move to the start of the text and press *spacebar*. - move to the end and press *spacebar*. - To paste the text: *Ctrl* *a*, *]*. Press *Escape* to exit this mode. Shortcuts ========= ================================ ============== To create a new screen *Ctrl-a* **c** To get to the next screen *Ctrl-a* **n** To detach from a screen *Ctrl-a* **d** Split horizontally into regions *Ctrl-a* **S** Split vertically into regions *Ctrl-a* ``|`` Then move to the region and *create a new screen* Move to next region *Ctrl-a* *Tab* ================================ ============== Issues ====== If you have problems with the delete key, put the following line in your ``.bashrc``:: alias screen=TERM=screen screen 27/09/2011, Removed a couple of control characters from around ``TERM=screen screen`` above. Not sure if this is correct, or not. Execute the following command to re-source your ``.bashrc file``: ``. ~/.bashrc``. .. _`The GNU Screen Mini Tutorial`: .. _`Stayin' alive with Screen`: .. _.screenrc: ../../misc/howto/linux/.screenrc .. _`Working with the Scrollback Buffer`: