scp *** Links ===== - putty_ Sample ====== :: scp patrick@ /home/patrick/temp/ scp ./ Wildcard -------- To recursively copy all files and folders from the current location:: scp -r ./* root@localhost:/var/www/localhost/htdocs/my-memory/ Note: To copy a folder use ``./folder-name/`` rather than ``./folder-name/*``. Port and throttle ----------------- In this example, ``-l`` limits the connection, ``-P`` sets the port number:: scp -l 5000 -p -P 22116 patrick@ . Windows ======= See :doc:`../../cygwin/cygwin` for how to install the *cygwin* versions of ``ssh`` and ``scp``. Download ``pscp.exe`` from *I cannot get it to work*! .. _putty: ssh.html