ssh *** Forward ======= :: ssh -A To carry the ssh through ``sudo``:: sudo -E -s Record ====== :: ssh -l USER HOST | tee -a /path/to/file ``tee`` is a command which displays or pipes the output of a command and copies it into a file or a variable. ``-a`` option appends the output to the end of file instead of writing over it. Tunnel ====== In this example, our server is hosting a web site on port 80. We want to tunnel the HTTP requests to our local workstation (``localhost``) and browse to the site on port ``8888``:: ssh -N -L 8888:localhost:80 server Browse to the site on http://localhost:8888/ Quit ==== `Close a hanging ssh session`_ To quit (exit/terminate) an SSH session:: ~. For more information, run the help command ``~?``. .. _`Close a hanging ssh session`: