Getting Started *************** Links ===== - Download ======== Download LiquiBase from I downloaded ````. Install ======= Extract the archive. I installed to: :: mkdir ~/bin/liquibase/ cd ~/bin/liquibase/ unzip /home/patrick/Downloads/liquibase/ Setup ===== You can run LiquiBase from the command line: :: java -jar C:\tools\liquibase-1.7.0\liquibase-1.7.0.jar Note: Also see ``misc/``. Create an empty XML file: :: Add change sets to the XML file. Here is one (``db.changelog.xml``): :: Usage ===== Run the change set: :: java -jar C:\tools\liquibase-1.7.0\liquibase-1.7.0.jar --driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver --classpath=c:\Users\Patrick\.m2\repository\net\sourceforge\jtds\jtds\1.2\jtds-1.2.jar --changeLogFile=db.changelog.xml --url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=temp" --username=sa --password=mypassword migrate **Note** - You can also run the changeset using :doc:`maven`. - Also see ``misc/``.