Maven ***** Sample ====== - sample-sql-liquibase-plugin_ To set-up this sample, make sure you read the site notes for this sample first: sample-sql-plugin_ pom.xml ------- .. code-block:: xml net.sourceforge.jtds jtds 1.2 test org.liquibase liquibase-plugin process-test-resources src/main/resources/db-change-log.xml net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver sa mypass jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=integration_test update Note: To set the configuration for all goals (e.g. ``mvn liquibase:update``), move the ``configuration`` element outside the ``executions`` element. We are using this in out multi-module projects. Here is a copy of the dependency management section from our root pom: .. code-block:: xml org.liquibase liquibase-plugin src/main/database/ net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver Goal ==== To just run the phase of the build which includes LiquiBase (with the above ``pom.xml`` file): :: mvn clean process-test-resources .. _sample-sql-liquibase-plugin: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/maven/sample-sql-liquibase-plugin .. _sample-sql-plugin: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/java/maven/sample-sql-plugin